Home English High time to end dictatorship of any sort- K M Anthru Foundation

High time to end dictatorship of any sort- K M Anthru Foundation


The world of full of uncertainties and human being are becoming more and more volatile and they are experiencing and exhibiting more and more intolerance day by day. Individuals, groups, communities, societies, and governments are always facing different needs and are, at various times, in conflict.

The style of leadership at present has to be redefined, which shall overturn dictatorship and autocratic rule–be it by an individual or collective–in all segments of life–family, institutions and nations.”

We speak about leadership mostly from the perspective of an individual. But individual leadership is guided by the leadership of the state. It is as “Government” or through the Government, the leadership styles are being inculcated inside an individual.

By Government, I mean a collective representation which has the authority to make laws, administrative decisions, adjudicate disputes and use force to the society to implement their decisions. Different countries practice various types of leadership for governance.

A review of the leadership style reveals that the style/type is determined by the basis of legitimacy accepted by the society to execute the governance.

In a society or a community, there are, of course, leaders and followers. As every human being, they are in search of “something” – either intentionally or unintentionally.

Followers always search for a leader or a leadership style which is quiet, and that is connected to their self and humanity. If that is the case, many are comfortable living in a world of ambiguity. But their expectancy is nothing less than quick results and environments with self sufficiency.

Traditionally, the leaders are supposed to “make others do” what they want. The ethics and fair means are forgotten during this race by the leaders to achieve what they are supposed to. Dictatorship and authoritarian leadership are born and developed with no time and much speed.

Time has come to propagate humanity and discrimination over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender has to diminish and borders in all segments of life redefined. The urge for human togetherness must be developed. These inspire our inner self. The thought of human togetherness will reject discrimination over whatever—languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. Discrimination over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender has to diminish and borders in all segments of life redefined.

Let us take this as our objective for 2025 and pledge ourselves for a sustainable, peaceful earth.

Shajil Anthru, Chairman, K M Anthru Foundation


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